Overview of Comparison Between Digital and Currently Used Methods

How to Cite

Zaker, M., & Dzodzuashvili, G. (2021). Overview of Comparison Between Digital and Currently Used Methods. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 5(1), 111–114. Retrieved from https://caucasushealth.ug.edu.ge/index.php/caucasushealth/article/view/369


As we live in this advanced age of technology, everything is progressing in a fast pace, this conclude medical industry too. These process new and old will collaborate with each other. With developing new methods and techniques, we can overcome problems in our field of work, but with that being said , it doesn’t mean all the current methods are outdated and inefficient , each progress has its own advantages and disadvantages . digital dentistry (CAD/CAM) can be consider one of those breakthroughs in dental field. with introduction of CAD (computer aid design)/CAM (computer aid manufacture) around 1980s, this system has made so much progress and still developing in a promising way. with CAD/CAM we are able to manufacture better and more accurate prosthetic frame work and dental restorations, consider to current method designs. CAD/CAM system functions in three steps (scanning, design, milling unit). each of these sections carry a specific duty that with combination of all of them leads to a dental restoration. current method of impression making still consider efficient in our field but with intra oral scanners (IOS) we are able to get better & more accurate copy of the oral cavity and dentition compare to current impression techniques. CAD/CAM not only focus on accuracy of the design and planning but it also consider to be cost efficient and less time consuming compare to the current methods and considerably more comfortable for the patient during the impression making period. Further in this article we will discuss about the process of this system, comparing it with current available methods , advantages & disadvantages of it and our outcomes.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Makan Zaker, Grigol Dzodzuashvili