Assessing Psycho-Emotional State and Stigmatization-Socialization Aspects of the Post-Cancer Treatment in Georgia

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Beruchashvili, T., Tkeshelashvili, V., Kereselidze, M., Ubilava, N., Shakh-Nazarova, M., Lobzhanidze, M., … Kandelaki, I. (2021). Assessing Psycho-Emotional State and Stigmatization-Socialization Aspects of the Post-Cancer Treatment in Georgia. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 5(1), 5–17. Retrieved from


Over the last two decades, the study of psychosocial factors in the medical community and cancer patients and the provision of psychological support services have become increasingly important in developed countries. Studies assessing cancer patients’ needs have revealed that 32% of patients diagnosed with cancer clearly state the need for psychological support and psychosocial rehabilitation services. The present study aims to assess the psychosocial state of women operated for breast cancer, identify the challenges in the accessibility of full-value services, and facilitate the formation of an evidence-based best practice policy. 360 women, after breast cancer surgery, have participated in the study, among them, 180 women have received psychosocial rehabilitation training (main group), and 180 women (control group) have not used such service. Face-to-face interviews with cancer patients and medical staff were conducted using the questionnaire developed within the framework of the study. The findings were processed by using SPSS standard statistical tests. The study has highlighted the need for psychological support and psychosocial rehabilitation of cancer patients. The need for post-treatment psychological rehabilitation was reported by 93% of the main group respondents that is 30% more than the result in the control group. The same is confirmed by the survey of medical staff - 97%. It is noteworthy that 80% of interviewed medical staff believe that psychosocial rehabilitation is as important as other treatment methods. However, in the current situation, the state fails to ensure access to psychosocial health services for cancer patients. Such services are mostly provided under private initiatives and with donors’ assistance. Generally, the key barrier to the treatment of cancer patients is the availability of financial resources. The majority of interviewed respondents in both groups (main group – 57.2%, control group – 64%) speak about a financial problem. The study has also revealed a low awareness both in cancer patients and medical staff. Among the interviewed medical staff, 60 % have no information about the services functioning for cancer patients’ physical and psychological rehabilitation in Georgia. It is noteworthy that such a study was carried out for the first time in Georgia. Its results are very important, as problem identification will help the field specialists to introduce the best practices. Also, the topics for future studies have been outlined

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Tina Beruchashvili, Vasil Tkeshelashvili, Maia Kereselidze, Nana Ubilava, Marina Shakh-Nazarova, Mariam Lobzhanidze, Mari Kutateladze, Sophie Tsikoridze, Dea Baghaturia, Irina Kandelaki