Study of risk factors affecting HBV vaccine efficiency among children in Georgia

How to Cite

Kipiani , E., & Kamkamidze, G. (2021). Study of risk factors affecting HBV vaccine efficiency among children in Georgia. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 5(2), 83–84. Retrieved from


In the conditions of mass vaccination of hepatitis B, all over the world, including in Georgia, in the vaccinated population, the number of those individuals who could not develop Anti-HBs are growing every day.. In parallel with a detailed analysis of literature sources, the scientific article for the first time studied the seroprevalence of Anti-HBs in the population of Georgian vaccinated children. Studies were carried out on 300 vaccinated children. Their age ranged from 6 month to 17 years. Amongthose surveyed, 145(48,3%) were boys and 155 (51,7%) were girls. Growth and development of 96% of study participant children completely corresponded to age-related norms. 178 (59%) of children had different chronic diseases. On the questions regarding immunization, out of 300 surveyed parents/guardians 230 (77%) consider that it’s important to follow national immunization calendar, but 141 (47%) is not sure about the safety of vaccination. Among study participants 138 (46%) stated that HBVimmunization was postponed for their children and the main reason (40%) for that was illness of children. 33% of study subjects reported that their children had mild side effects after HBV immunization. The studies have proved that Georgia is not an exception among other coutries of the world, the number of ineffective hepatitis B vaccination is 14%. A detailed analysis has shown that the main reason for the above is postponing HBV vaccination.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Ekaterine Kipiani , George Kamkamidze