Compression of Fine Architecture of the Hippocampus in Different Aged Rats. Electron Microscopic Study

How to Cite

Lomidze, N., Pochkhidze, N., Khomasuridze, P., & Zhvania, M. (2021). Compression of Fine Architecture of the Hippocampus in Different Aged Rats. Electron Microscopic Study. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 5(2), 54. Retrieved from


Aging is physiologic process. During aging different types of progressive processes are taking place, as physiological as hallmarks of pathological events. One of the most vulnerable process is cognition, even physiological changes associated with normal healthy aging affects cognition. Causes irreversible changes. Nowadays little is known about how aging affects central nervous system fine architecture, changes that are taking place during physiological aging and not the pathological ones. How aging changes ultrastructure of specific places responsible different tasks, for example, cognition. In the following work is described ultrastructure of Hippocampal C1 field in different ages (Adolescent, Adult, Senescent) of Wistar rats, using transmission electron microscope. The Ultrastructure of adult and adolescent rats are almost same. The remarkable changes are expressed between adult and senescent rats. Precisely, in the last one there are following ultrastructural modifications – lipofuscin concentrations, small destructive cytoplasmic organelles, changes in presynaptic vesicular and mitochondrial quantity. Rare apoptotic signs in neurons. Analysis of all this means that aging in rat’s hippocampus causes selective changes, also it underlines changes in neurotransmission and neuronal developmental pathways.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Nino Lomidze, Nino Pochkhidze, Pikria Khomasuridze, Mzia Zhvania