Amelogenesis Imperfecta – A Literature Review


Amelogenesis Imperfecta, Genetically inherited disease.

How to Cite

Martiashvili, S., & Mania, L. (2021). Amelogenesis Imperfecta – A Literature Review. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 5(2), 44–45. Retrieved from


Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a heterogeneous group of genetic conditions characterized by defects in the formation of enamel, caused by different kind of mutations in the genes. Various clinical signs and symptoms are described for AI and it can be presented independently or associated with abnormalities in syndromes. We used to search the literature in the following databases: PubMed and Google Scholar, US National Library of Medicine, Cohrane Library, supplemented by a search for selected authors. Based on titles and abstracts, 21 papers were analyzed. Most articles were case reports. Formation of Genetically inherited abnormalities can appear from early stages of embryogenesis till the time (moment) of teeth eruption. It is notable that genetically inherited maxillofacial diseases are 25% of all kinds of maxillofacial diseases. All teeth of both dentitions can be affected. We often find this disease one and half more in women than in men. Patients general oral health was negative. Information was scarce. No information was found on the economic impact. In literature it is reported a great variability of prevalence for AI. Values of 43:10,000 in Turkey, 14: 10,000 in Sweden, 10: 10,000 in Argentina and 1.25: 10,000 in Israel have been reported. These values suggests that the average global prevalence is

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Copyright (c) 2021 Sergo Martiashvili, Lia Mania