National Drug Politics and Implementation Perspectives in Georgia

How to Cite

Kvizhinadze, N., Sulashvili, N., Nachkebia, A., & Talakhadze, M. (2021). National Drug Politics and Implementation Perspectives in Georgia. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 5(2), 42–43. Retrieved from



 The importance of human medicines in the modern world is great given the global challenges as there is a growing risk of low quality, ineffective and threatening pharmaceutical products circulating, especially for low- and middle-income countries, where regulatory instruments and quality control systems cannot guarantee risk prevention and timely response. Effective, timely and affordable treatment depends on a number of factors: drug policy regulation, quality of medicines in the country, effectiveness and safety, cost of medicines, qualified medical personnel, and an effective functioning health care system. Pharmaceutical policy is a branch of health policy that deals with the development, provision and use of medications within a health care system. It embraces drugs (both brand name and generic), biologics (products derived from living sources, as opposed to chemical compositions), vaccines and natural health products. The World Health Organization considers the regulation of the field of pharmaceuticals a major challenge for developing countries, and calls on countries to identify effective regulation of deficiencies and correct deficiencies. The national policy of pharmacy, the development of the related pharmacy activities, and the problems in the field of pharmacy as a separate health care sector, is an important issue in national policy. The aim of the study was to determine the role of national drug policy for country, place; role and priority of pharmacy staff, as well as to study out the reforms of the pharmacy field and to find out how well the pharmacists are informed in the national pharmacy policy. The survey of the pharmacists conducted in various pharmacies in Tbilisi, to unsure with the complete anonymity. According to the survey the respondents answers the several questions and the following revealed: only 56 % of the survey participants mentioned that Health care and Pharmacy sector is the partly important as the state priority field. 34% of respondents are aware about the law and legislation of Pharmaceutical Activity of the county; unfortunately, only 20% believe that the population is protected from counterfeit medicines; 37% thought that population has right to receive full and complete information about medicines; 15% of pharmacists surveyed consider that they are appreciated in their workplace; 89% thinks that price adjustment is needed and should be controlled by state. Based on the research, we can draw the following conclusions: The state have to pay more attention to the health sector and to the pharmacy sector as well; Awareness of the pharmacists about the Law and regulations on Drugs and Pharmaceuticals are very important; regulation on medicines prices are essential; enhance and strengthen the role of the pharmacist is significant.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Natia Kvizhinadze, Nodar Sulashvili, Ana Nachkebia, Mariam Talakhadze