Determination of Ash Content and Moisture in Thamus Communis Roots Collected in Kakheti and Kartli Regions


Adam’s root, Thamus communis, ash content, moisture

How to Cite

Qurashvili, N., Chikava, M., & Sulashvili, N. (2020). Determination of Ash Content and Moisture in Thamus Communis Roots Collected in Kakheti and Kartli Regions . Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 4(2), 43–50. Retrieved from


Aim.The aim of our studies was to determine dry ash and moisture content in Adams’s root (Thamus communis) samples collected in Kakheti and Kartli regions of Georgia in order to use them for preparing phyto and homeopathic medicinal products.

Materials and methods. Materials were collected in autumn and air-dried in the dark environment at room temperature for three days. The dried roots were cut, wrapped in the aluminium foil and stored in airtight glass container at 4°C until used.

Determination of total ash content. Having put samples into the pre-weighed pots and weighed again, they were placed on the heater in the fume hood. When releasing vapours and gases was over and organic remains turned black, the melting pots were placed into muffle furnace for several minutes. Having been cooled, the pots were weighed again and total ash content calculated.

Determination of moisture. Samples were weighed, put in melting pots and placed in thermostat at 100 0 C. After five hours, they were cooled, weighed and placed in the thermostat for another hour. This procedure was repeated until stable mass was achieved. Using the difference between the weights hygroscopic water content was calculated.

Results. It has been determined ash content and moisture in Thamus communis roots collected in Kakheti and Kartli regions of Georgia. The average ash content in Kakheti sample was 20.83% and in Kartli sample – 10,95%. Kakheti sample moisture was 71.76% and Kartli sample – 49.88%. According to literature data, dry ash content in Thamus comunnis should not axceed 12%, and moisture should be less than 50% .

Conclusions.The obtained results on Thamus communis roots dry ash and moisture content shows that only the samples collected in Kartli region could be used for preparing phyto and homeopathic medicinal products.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Nino Qurashvili, Medea Chikava, Nodar Sulashvili