History Of Dentistry Among The Nations and Multicultural societies Explanation And Theory Based On The Evidences In This particular field

How to Cite

Jikia, M., & Shabani, S. A. (2020). History Of Dentistry Among The Nations and Multicultural societies Explanation And Theory Based On The Evidences In This particular field. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 4(1), 140–143. Retrieved from https://caucasushealth.ug.edu.ge/index.php/caucasushealth/article/view/276


In early ages the art of dentistry or odontology that the term came from the Ancient Greek has the same root with general medicine and at the beginning there was no division such as dental medicine or other branches. The first representative of scientific medicine, hippocrates had the most researches and hypothesis about the general course of medicine specially about the tooth.

Many of his studies was used in sacerdotal medicine and popular medicine. Without a doubt the sacerdotal medicine had many false ideas and superstitious explanations behind each disease and treatments in a way like in those time of hardcore catholics or christianity era the holy priest were the only persons that had the ability to heal the patient may with his different skills that was discovered in that time or the ones he acquired by his ancestors, For a simple toothache, the person may was an guilty and cursed or he was divine and got the routine treatment if it was existed.so basically in the past the priests were the dentists and doctors whom their skill could improve by generation after an other by getting an new experiences after each treatment.

Nowadays historian would call that the art or magic of healing.Herodotus,the great greek historian or the father of history has mentioned that babylonaians used to put the sick peoples into the public squares and when passers could see them,they were able to transfer their experience with the disease and treatment and that was an absolutely amazing idea by them that could save dozens of people in that time. 

The another step for creation of art of medicine was the time that in ancient era the peoples used to hung up the votive tables in the temples and those tables could contain the the brief description of their disease that they had and the recovery and treatment processes.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Maia Jikia, Seyed Amir Shabani