The influence of environmental factors - asbestos on the health of population


Asbestos, asbestos dust, asbestos impact, asbestos waste.

How to Cite

Lochoshvili, N., & Kamkamidze, G. (2020). The influence of environmental factors - asbestos on the health of population. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 4(1), 96–106. Retrieved from


In the XXI century, as in an era of modern development, with the ever-increasing social and economic needs, both natural and artificial materials are actively used. Atmospheric air is significantly polluted while processing these materials and has a harmful impact on the human health. Everyone has the right to live in a health-safe environment and to benefit from a natural environment. Protecting and maintaining this right is an important thing. Ensuring a safe environment for health is the duty of the state {1,2}.

Environment and human health are directly and indirectly related to each other, which implies aspects of human health and morbidity caused by environmental factors. This notion also implies the assessment and control of environmental factors affecting human health. Polluted atmospheric air is harmful for humans, especially for children. It can be a cause to complication of many acute and chronic diseases.

One of the many factors polluting the atmospheric air is asbestos. Asbestos is a dangerous substance for human life and health, which wasrecognized after many years of observation based on scientific evidences.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Nino Lochoshvili, George Kamkamidze