The course of study reviews biostatistical methods, statistical software, methods and principles of clinical epidemiological research, rough and standardized (worldwide) incidence indicators, conduction of passive and active follow-up research for analysis of life expectancy using actuarial method (Life-Table, Kaplan-Meier); life expectancy indicators, statistical confidence of indicators (95% CI), association and risk indicators (Case-Control, Cohort study), identification of environmental factors and exposure to control groups, stratification analysis (MantelHaenszel) through confounding method; Mortality and morbidity analysis through population-based epidemiological studies; Value of screening, early detection and methods (tests) of diagnosis of diseases; possibilities of disease prevention through control of environmental factors, and establishment of healthy lifestyle (sanitary-hygienic norms: ISO standards for air, water, soil, food, daily consumable household goods).

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Copyright (c) 2019 Vasil Tkeshelashvili