Amacrine Cells


Amacrine cells, inhibitory neurotransmitters.

How to Cite

Simisola, A. E. (2019). Amacrine Cells. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 3(3). Retrieved from


Amacrine cells are found in the retina of the eyes. There are about 30 types of amacrine cells; each with its own specific stratification, shape and functions. They are inhibitory interneurons in the retina (GABAergic). There are three broad classification of amacrine cells; wide -field amacrine cells, medium-field amacrine cells and narrow-field amacrine cells. The most frequent is narrow-field amacrine cells. Amacrine cells are joined to ganglion cells, or other types of amacrine cells by GAP JUNCTIONS. Gap junction allows cell to cell direct transfer of ions and small molecules

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Copyright (c) 2019 Adeboye Eniola Simisola