The pineal gland and it decalcifying

How to Cite

Awira, A. E., Sulashvili, N., & Sulashvili, M. (2018). The pineal gland and it decalcifying. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 2(2). Retrieved from


The pineal gland can become calcified by the action of synthetic calcium and fluoride this can happens in humans at the
age of 7 or around 9. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland found deep within the brain near the center of the brain
in the epithalamus. Its known function is to secrete melatonin which is a serotonin derived hormone. Which regulates the
sleep cycle or the circadian rhythm nearly all vertebrates have a pineal gland or an equivalent of it. The many methods to
decalcify the pineal gland is simply by lowering the Ca2+ intake and to limit it after puberty so no Ca2+ lacking in the
body causes any health issues. It is significance to put the attention also on what will happen if were able to decalcify the
pineal gland what will unlock from the many secrets on body hides. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland found
deep within the brain near the center of the brain in the epithalamus. Its known function is to secrete melatonin which is
a serotonin derived hormone. Which regulates the sleep cycle or the circadian rhythm nearly all vertebrates have a pineal
gland or an equivalent of it. The pineal gland is the only organ in brain which is not paired and is a reason why many
researchers have been interested in it and many called it the mysterious gland. The pineal gland becomes "calcified" in
humans in the age of two years by the effect of synthetic calcium and phosphorus which is found nowadays in the water
supplies. This causes the pineal gland to become hardened or in this case "blocked" this can be linked to aging process.
the process of decalcifying the pineal gland mostly depends on the dietary and on the concept of lowering the calcium
intake to our body this speaking on the scientific side of view as speaking on the spiritual level mediation have been
proved to also help in "activating " it if speaking in Hindu concept and its said its one of the seven chakras. The many
methods to decalcify the pineal gland is simply by lowering the Ca2+ intake and to limit it after puberty so no Ca2+ lacking in the body causes any health issues. It is significance to put the attention also on what will happen if were able to
decalcify the pineal gland what will unlock from the many secrets on body hides. To bring the attention to the pineal
gland and its importance and to help decrease the amount of calcium intake and expand our knowledge of the pineal

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Ahmad Emad Awira, Nodar Sulashvili, Marika Sulashvili