Dissertation Paper: Roadmap to Research Component of the Doctoral Program

How to Cite

Tkeshelashvili, V. (2019). Dissertation Paper: Roadmap to Research Component of the Doctoral Program. Caucasus Journal of Health Sciences and Public Health, 3(1). Retrieved from https://caucasushealth.ug.edu.ge/index.php/caucasushealth/article/view/146


Dissertation Paper“ is a research component of doctoral program and consists of the following basic activities (fragments)
to be implemented in 4 stages: literature review on research topic, research protocol, scientific research, dissertation paper
defense. Beginning of the research component by the doctoral student is determined by Scientific Supervisor and its implementation is monitored by Scientific-Consultation Board. In the first year of study (1st and 2nd semesters), a doctoral student passes subjects of the study component. Pedagogical practice student can pass in the next semesters. If doctoral student studies subjects of study component easily, he/she can begin research component activities from the first year, particularly – literature review on research topic and preparation of research protocol. In this case, the student will be given three semesters
(3rd, 4th and 5th) for conducting scientific research and 6th semester – for dissertation paper defense.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Vasil Tkeshelashvili